In the last 4 years, I’ve traveled, lived, and loved in 20 different countries.
20 countries at 22? Over a year out of my home country traveling while at the same time completing a bachelor’s degree? Wild.
Although I did throw out a number, that’s not how I truly feel. Country- counting travelers (who visit a country for a day and say they know it) isn’t what I feel is true traveling.
When I say I’ve visited 20 countries in the past four years – I’ve lived there, fully embracing their culture, (attempted to) learn their languages, sought to understand their perspectives. Getting lost, finding love, and above all, finding myself and my people in each.
Traveling pushes me to be a better human, cultivating every part of my personality to the best it can be.
Traveling opens your perspective, forcing you to look beyond your narrow box of living and see the world and yourself, as it really is.
SOLO traveling in particular, has changed my life for the absolute better. More of that to come, but here’s a sneak peek of my view on solo travel.

I am here to help you get there, and help you along the way.
Before you hear all about it, here’s exactly where I’ve been in my travels. Tell me your personal stories at these amazing places or ask any questions in the comments!
Visit my instagram for my personal travel tales and my photography page for how my artist eye has seen it, and don’t forget to sign up with your email for my upcoming secret travel tips and tricks!