Sometimes I get so hung up on creating, on being productive, of doing something — that I lose my focus, I lose myself. My brain, previously very centered and relaxed from morning meditation and yoga – then starts to get all scattered when I sit down and start to work. As a creator archetype and a Virgo sun sign, I struggle with a perfectionist mindset in everything I do. If I doubt a perfect outcome, I can easily convince myself that I didn’t care that much in the first place and just stop now. I also easily overload myself with lots of creative avenues, trying to do everything at once, and beating myself up for not being able to. I get anxious and just close the laptop and walk away, instead of working on one thing at a time.
You know what happens when you try to do everything at once?
Do you know how many half-done ideas I’ve had – projects that I was so excited to begin – but then my perfectionist ideals set in – and I didn’t finish it – most of the time I didn’t even really start it?
I wanted to write a book – a book I started. Videos I started, and never finished.
Ideas that began, but never reached fruition.
I’ve decided that I’m ending that cycle. Right here, and right now.
This is for you all – I’m dedicating myself to you.
Together, we will finish a project at a time.
Together, we will create a life that generates growth and positivity in every day.
By balancing your day, and recognizing that it takes a step at a time.
I was not just a student or a worker – I am not simply a traveler or a blogger.
You are not simply a reader – not simply a daughter.
We are a combination of things, interests, responsibilities – By recognizing this and allowing ourselves to organize our life a little, we can become more peaceful overall.
This is my ideal balanced day of my current situation. Quarantine from COVID-19 has been a blessing in disguise in some ways, because it’s allowed me to slow down, while my mind speeds up. It’s trapped me at my parent’s house – but it’s in the country, with trees and a lake and mostly love, giving me time to work on myself, recognize a balance that took me a long time to find, and work on writing it down for you.
The mornings – mornings are for me – channeling my spiritual and physical energy.
I wake up about 2 hours earlier than the time I really need to be up so I can purposefully invest in myself.
(THIS IS IMPORTANT – TO PURPOSEFULLY MAKE TIME FOR YOU – Whether that’s getting up earlier, or trading an hour of tv at night – dedicate some time of your day only to you).
After indulging in some lovely bean-juice, I take my yoga mat outside if it’s pretty and sink into my practice, breathing with the movement of the trees. After waking my body up with the birds tweeting behind me, I sit silently – and listen. Retreating into myself and my thoughts, I meditate for about 20 minutes.
Although others definitely used to say I’m not a morning person, it’s just that I’m a better morning person with just me. I love my mornings – because I’m taking the time to invest in my mental, spiritual, and physical health – in myself and understanding me. It’s a beautiful time for a gentle wake-up call, centering me and focusing in on me.
I follow this with my usual morning breakfast – coffee with Greek honey vanilla yogurt, fresh fruit, protein granola and VITAMINS.
Afternoons are where I internalize my entrepreneur side. I sit myself down with my laptop, turn on night mode and put on my blue light glasses to protect my eyeballs – and work until I’ve done what I needed to do for the day. It’s usually a few hours into this – in which I get overwhelmed. Knowing when to take a break, has not come easy to me, but I’m beginning to understand it again.
I make sure to get outside and find myself in nature everyday. I recently made a garden for the first time – I mean, the whole bit, tilled, planted and everything. Checking on my little plants gives me such joy to see how they’ve done the next day. I play with my cat, Pabs, and let him chase golfballs. I paddleboard out onto the lake and breathe in the fresh air, loving the peace of the outdoors.
Don’t forget family, or food! father gets home from work. and I go in the house, conversate, and eat dinner with my parents. It’s a good little set-up. We don’t always get along – who does? But it’s nice to be able to see them again.
Before I go to bed, I bring it back to me again. A shorter, easier yoga session than the morning, and a bit of meditation – actively letting the day go. I’ll usually curl up with a book, or write or draw – something creative and relaxing – checking in with yourself with creativity and lightness.
Now this is my ideal daily routine – a healthy balance – but of course, it varies a bit everyday. Sometimes I have things to do and places to see, and I have to sacrifice a part of what I do for someone or something else (PITY I know – having to DO things and think about OTHERS, god forbid lol). And then there’s dark days where my spirit wanes, and I struggle to find the motivation to even open my laptop, doubting that the outcome will be perfect, and thus convincing myself not to try. These days, I try to invest in me again, let myself live only in the moment, let myself fall, knowing tomorrow is another day, another day to get back up again and back at it. The last time this happened – I spent half the afternoon freestyle dancing on the porch in beautiful sunshine – purposefully living in the moment.
No, I don’t have balance in every day of my life. Things happen. You WON’T have balance every day. But it’s in LIFE that balance is most important. By consciously reminding yourself to balance your day, you’ll be closer to balancing your life.
Let me know how you all balance your day in the comments and follow my instagram to see parts of my day shown directly through you in my Insta stories. (trust me, you don’t want to miss the dancing – it’ll at least make you laugh)
You guys got this! Stay conscious of the need for balance and #letyoursunshine.