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Believe in Yourself
This is my very first blog post. 

I’m apprehensive about starting this blog, yet mad at myself that I didn’t start sooner – like four years ago sooner, when I first started traveling – or two years sooner, when I began a serious self-improvement journey – or a year ago, when I really got into yoga.

How incredibly energy-wasting it is – to be mad at yourself for something you didn’t do.
Instead, why don’t we transform that energy into productivity – and just START NOW?


I thought, “I’ve been wasting all my time, when I should have created a business a long time ago; I should have been writing this whole time.”

Okay, back UP, Moeryae! That’s insane! No, the last four years were not a waste. The last four years of traveling the world has given me the life experience I need to have a basis to stand on to even share with you all. If I had started this then, you would have looked at me crazy, because I was still so young and naive. I needed to truly live in the experience first.

I didn’t understand myself enough to share with you then and that’s okay. 

I know myself fully now, which has given me the confidence to share with you all – in hopes that you can know yourselves as well.


Now, don’t get me wrong – no one in my life will tell you I have low self-esteem. Self-love is and always has been wildly active in my life. 

However, I never credited myself enough in my ability to help others.

Most of the time, the people’s opinions that stick with us are the bad ones – the ones that make you feel unimportant, fat, useless, dumb, inept. Unfortunately, those opinions are the ones we think about when we’re falling asleep alone at night or when we’re looking in the mirror, questioning if we’re good enough. Those are the opinions that make us pause in our step, wondering if what we’re doing is worth it at all, if we’re even good enough.

Well, you know what? We ARE good enough. I AM good enough.

The last couple months, I’ve gotten so many compliments of my “good energy.” The last compliment I heard was “I bring out the best in everyone around me.”

And THAT is the compliment I will remember and internalize. I’m letting go of the rest.


Believing in yourself, mostly comes from you.

I know you’re thinking that’s unhelpful, and really, yes it can be.
Because we are our own worst enemy. 

And that’s where this comes in.

How will they know if you don’t really know what you’re talking about, if you’re not truly that confident, self-possessed woman? 

Act like it, fake it, and you will become it. 

Strike that power pose, and nail that interview.

Start that business.

The only one stopping you, is you.

AND THAT’S IT FOLKS: Positivity, internalizing the compliments, and fake it til you make it.

I wrote this as my first blog post mainly because this is evidence of me – FINALLY believing in myself. For me to believe in you, I have to believe in me.

I love you all. I love me. I know that we can do absolutely everything we dream of. You can achieve it too. I want to encourage you all to take a breath today, and think about what’s stopping you from achieving your own dreams. Is it yourself?

I want to hear about this from you all personally! Connect with me on instagram @moeryae and comment on this with what your dreams are, and what’s been stopping you – up until THIS moment.

I believe in you. Now let’s help you believe in you.
