The world seems to be going a bit crazy, the United States in particular.
Even if you do not live in the United States, I’m sure you’ve seen the news and are dealing with your own issues. We’ve finally began to come together to actively revolt against the racism that has been ever-present through our history. Fantastic thing to do, maybe not the best time for it, considering we’re also still suffering under a world-wide pandemic. Huge gatherings of protestors ignoring social guidelines is inevitably bringing about another wave, faster and bigger than it would have been without. However, #BLM is real and needed and the movement is awesome and I so support. Check out my thoughts on this in my last insta post here.
Yet, I’m not here to talk about the Black Lives Matter Movement, the COVID-19 pandemic, the most intense upcoming hurricane season that’s about to hit… or any of the other worldly stressors that are absolutely okay that you may be anxious about.
I’m here to talk about dealing with it, about finding your peace within the chaos of our current world.
Dealing with the pressures of the world, even if it’s not right at your doorstep, affecting you. Because it will affect you, either way, some more than others.
Personally as an empath, I feel it all. I feel the pain of the people – the hopelessness of the world. Watching the news weights me down. I’ve ruined a few mornings by looking at the news in the morning instead of my usual routine.
Thus, I’m here to share a few of my tips to stay sane in such an insane world, to finding your inner peace amidst the chaos.
There’s so much being covered right now, and it should be. Yes absolutely, you should be aware what’s happening in the world, but also be aware that it can be too much. Check it, speak your peace, then put the phone down, and find your peace apart from it.
This can mean putting your phone away for an hour, or a day. Or, it can simply mean limits.
Limits can mean restrictions on social media. Maybe only allow yourself a set amount of time for that day. Be mindful of how you distract yourself from your stressors – is it by absently picking up your phone and scrolling social media? To get past that, I have deleted all social media on my phone except instagram and snapchat (the first because it’s my main platform and the former because some of my friends solely communicate through this). And even though these two are on my phone, they’re hidden from me on another tab and folder, requiring more steps, and thus more thought, for me to open the apps.
Another BIG tip to limit your detrimental time with these controlling little rectangular boxes are TURNING OFF YOUR NOTIFICATIONS or putting your phone on DO NOT DISTURB. I never have instagram “likes” or messages pop up because I’ve turned them all off. I look at the media or my messages when I feel able to, on my own time. Our modern idea of “immediacy” can heighten anxiety in so many ways, when we feel pressured to answer as soon as something pops up. You are not required to answer immediately. You have your own life, your own struggles. It’s okay to give it time. If they are really your friend, they will understand that.
You dictate your phone, don’t let it dictate you.
NATURE, BEAUTIFUL NATURE. Do you remember the last time you were really in nature, and felt how refreshed and revived you feel afterwards?
Well, that is some scientifically accurate results.
Research reveals that “being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings. Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical wellbeing, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.”
Nature helps in SO many ways, from depression to anxiety to that feeling of disconnection.
I am so incredibly grateful that I live in the country right now. I can walk outside and breathe in fresh air and see the beautiful green leaves blowing in the wind. I am definitely taking advantage of it, and I can tell a difference as soon as I walk outside, how much calmer I am.
So, take a walk, take a hike, listen to the birds, stare at the rustling of the trees. Get outside, and just be.
The health benefits of exercise also benefits EVERYWHERE, but especially reducing anxiety. How can you worry about those other problems when you’re too busy exerting energy pushing yourself that hill?
Exercise helps by “releasing feel-good endorphins, natural cannabis-like brain chemicals (endogenous cannabinoids) and other natural brain chemicals that can enhance your sense of well-being.
It also takes your mind off worries so you can get away from the cycle of negative thoughts that feed depression and anxiety.”
It’s been said that even 5 minutes a day of aerobic exercise will bring about a calmer state of mind. 5 minutes!! 5 minutes? I’m SURE that you at least have five minutes a day.
My favorite forms of exercise are biking, hiking, running, yoga, and dancing. BONUS health benefit if you exercise OUTSIDE too!!
PRO TIP: Try to do some form of exercise and mental tune-in in the morning when you first wake up, starting your day on a healthy and bright foot.
In this current time of isolation or social distancing, you may feel a bit distant, even a bit lonely. Looking at all the news and tunneling into these thoughts alone is NOT good for you.
“Research has linked social isolation and loneliness to higher risks for a variety of physical and mental conditions: high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, a weakened immune system, anxiety, depression, cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and even death.
Conversely, people who engage in meaningful, productive activities with others tend to live longer, boost their mood, and have a sense of purpose. These activities seem to help maintain their well-being and may improve their cognitive function, studies show.”
So, phone a friend, call your brother, meet up with someone for a little hike at the park. The season of Gemini that we are currently in is also inducing powerful friendly, communicative vibes. So reach out and communicate your feelings, your confusion, your anxious thoughts. You’d be surprised at how similar they can be- a lot of the times, they’re just not voiced.
So, voice them. Love each other. In such a current world, banding together with love and open communication is the best thing we can do for each other. And if you don’t feel like you have someone to communicate with, feel free to reach out to me, message on instagram, or comment here. You are never alone.
We cannot begin to help another, if we cannot help ourselves.
Meditation, or simple mindfulness, can bring us back to the current moment, back to our inner peace. Your surroundings and your environment does not control your emotions, you do. Learning to cultivate and access your inner peace will lead to a calmer life, no matter the situation.
“We often experience anxiety because we fixate on the past or on the future. However, when you’re meditating, you’re intentionally focused on the here and now. Meditation also helps with anxiety because it quiets an overactive brain.”
Now, before you stop reading because I mentioned meditation, I want you to realize that meditation can take all forms – mindfulness meditation becoming ever more popular and mainstream everyday.
To exercise mindfulness, you simply need to slow down. Focus on your breathing, how your breathe comes in and fills your body, and flows back out, emptying your body. When thoughts come into your head (as they certainly will and that’s okay), gently acknowledge them without judgement, and then let pass on.
My favorite part about mindfulness meditation and breathing exercises is that you can do them anywhere, any time – even in conversation with someone! They don’t have to know that your mind is straying a little to your breath – all they will see is a calmer human, better equipped to understand yourself and them.
If you are interested in guided meditation, I highly recommend the Daily Meditation Podcast by Mary Meckley on Spotify. She has short and sweet, around 10-minute daily meditations. She has many different weekly series that you can choose to focus your meditations on. I am currently listening to the weekly inner peace series designed to cultivate your own inner peace.
Tuning back into yourself and taking the time to slow down is never selfish and never a waste of time. It is self-care, and you are worth it.
I am giving you my tips to finding peace within the chaos, because for a moment there, I wasn’t peaceful or sane, or any of it.
I’m telling you because I have needed and used EVERY single one of the these methods this last week, and I feel 10000x better for it.
I was losing perspective, drowning in the pain of the world, and losing all hope in my own life and my own dreams. The phrase, “why bother?” entered my head and out of my mouth more times than I am proud of.
And then, I went on a spontaneous weekend camping trip with a new friend. We discussed life and had deep meaningful conversations as we biked and hiked in nature with no phone service. Complete disconnection, a few days break from the news, yoga in the morning beneath the trees… It seriously did me so much good. From the day I left and the day I came back, the difference in my mindset and attitude was positively overwhelming.
I want you to know, that it is okay for you to pause. I want you to know, that it’s okay if the world’s issues are stressing you out, even if do not directly pertain to you at that moment. I want you to know, that it’s okay not to be okay.
I also want you to know, that you can cultivate your OWN peace, and you can change your mindset and your life – TODAY – by using one, or all of these healthy lifestyle tricks.
Let me know how it goes, which trick helps you the most, and reach out here in the comments or on instagram if you have any concerns or questions or just need some support. I understand and I’ll do my best to help in any way!
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